New CD from RHM 318 and 319

RHM 318 (cover)

RHM 318 (cover)

Another two RHM CD albums released yesterday, but this time, unlike usual as we got four of Nisa's new songs show up in the volume 318. For this, some of you might get curious and a bit surprise, because we all knew she was in Spark, and suddenly she move and sing for RHM company? In fact, she made a contract with RHM since the first month this year, she also been in the most popular concert "best of best 2007" last month which opens a new successful page for her career. . .

Her new songs are:

-ស្រក់ទឹកភែ្នក ពេលកំពុងញញឹម
-គ្រាន់តែស្រលាញ់ ហេតុអ្វីពិបានម្លេះ?
-ទោះយ៉ាងណា ក៏នៅមិនស្អប់បង

-------------RHM 318

-------------RHM 319