I've just add another 9 Tum Teav video clips into the player, you can now watch this full khmer movie on the post here

KH CD 178

ផលិតកម្ម​ គឹម​ ហេង​ បានចេញវុលថ្មីរបស់ខ្លួនមួយទៀតគឺ CD Audio 178​ នៅថៃ្ងម្សិលមិញ។ វុលនេះ បើតាមស្តាប់មើលទៅ មិនសូវជាមានបទពិរោះច្រើនប៉ុន្មានទេ ហើយជាពិសេសក្នុងនោះ ខ្ញុំឃើញមានបទលំនាំចាស់‌ៗ​ 4ទៅ5បទទៀត។ អ្វីដែលចំលែកគឺ​ ខ្ញុំមិនឃើញមានបទ សុខ​ ស្រីនាង សោះ តែគំរបមុខរបស់ CDនេះដាក់រូបនាងធំៗទៅវិញ ។

ដោយសារថៃ្ងនេះ ខ្ញុំមានការជាប់រវុលបន្តិច ដូច្នេះមិនបានរៀបចំដាក់បទចំរៀងអោយបានទាន់ពេល អោយខ្ញុំសុំទោសផងបាទ៎! ;)

បទចំរៀងវុលនេះនឹងត្រូវដាក់នៅលើនេះ នៅថៃ្ងសែ្អកប្រហែលម៉ោង12ថៃ្ងត្រង់ ម៉ោងនៅភ្នំពេញ . . .












it seems to me that the player can't read the mp3 file from the new server, therefore I'm putting the download link here for you to download this album(mp3 files), but please delete it after 24h.

I'm sorry for any inconvenience ;)

Comedy TV Show

Part 1

Part 2

Pov Pagna Pech

Ok, today I think I should have something written down...

Some of you might have known about the recent sad event happended to our cambodian female singer "Pov Pagna Pech" she was gun down in phnom penh last several days ago. So far, the only thing I know is that she was taken to a hospital in VietNam, since I don't have much information about her case( I will keep it update in the future), and just want to let everyone know and really wish her to have recover soon.

I will put some of her songs here as soon as possible ...

Khmer Movie : Tum Teav

រឿង ទុំទាវ
Tum Teav --- Video Clip 1-10


1-ធូរចិត្ត (ណុប បាយ៉ារិទ្ធ)

2-ស្ទាបបេះដូងសិនមុននឹងបែកគ្នា (ឈិត សុវណ្ណបញ្ញា)

3-អូនញ៉ាំប៊ឺហ្គឹ បងញ៉ាំប្រហុក (មីដាដា-សោភា-បញ្ញា)

4-កប់ចិត្តក្បត់ក្រោមធរណី (ពេជ្រ សោភា)

5-កុំឃ្លាតឆ្ងាយពីបង (សាពូង មីដាដា)

6-មិនយំមុខបង (ឈិត សុវណ្ណបញ្ញា)

7-នារីល្ងើស្មោះសេ្នហ៍ (ពេជ្រ សោភា)

8-ខំហួងហែង (ពេជ្រ សោភា)

9-សប្បាយឬឈឺចាប់ក៏ដើម្បីអូន​​ (ណុប បាយ៉ារិទ្ធ)

10-Don't U Believe (ឈិត សុវណ្ណបញ្ញា)

CD U2 Volume20 Live!

This is the last U2 CD album for the month of Feb, it was released few weeks ago... ah! I'm a bit late to make it available here :)

1-ព្រមទាំងអាល័យ (សិរីមន្ត)

2-ព្រានចិត្តត្រជាក់ (កញ្ញា)

3-ឈឺចាប់ជំនួសអូន (បុកល្ហុង)

4-សើចទាំងទឹកភែ្នក (លីហ្សា)

5-សន្ទូងភ្លេចស្រែ (សិរីមន្ត)

6-ទឹកភែ្នកលន់តួ (កញ្ញា)

7-អន្តរាយ (រ៉ាមភូមិ) (Dance hit!)

8-ចំរៀងលោមសេ្នហ៍ (សិរីមន្ត)

9-ស្លាប់ក្នុងអន្លង់ភ្លើងស្នេហ៍ (លីហ្សា)

10-បងខុសខ្លួនឯង (បុកល្ហុង)


Khmer Movie - Dream Of Love

ផ្កាស្រពោន Dream of Love

below is a short preview of this movie, please click play button to view the movie.

Khmermusic-alert blog's Terms

To keep Khmermusic-Alert! blog become more entertained and enjoyable, I wanna make some little changes :

I will keep all the audio and video live streaming on the blog for any product reviews, it means you can enjoy your time by listening and watching the music or movies at any time you like at Khmermusic alert!

However, I may give out download links in some posts, but in the way of supporting and help promoting our artists, I will set a closing date on every links so to make sure not too many people get those files down to their desktop.

I know it is not a good idea for some people, but I love my artists (I know you too!), and I want to help them by making their music reach more audience as possible as I can. And if you really like the music or the movie you see on this blog, please purchase the original one from the market.. :)

Thank You for taking time visit my blog.

Ps: for further Term changes will be posted here.

Khmer Music Live - SD CD Vol.72

Most of you might have known about មាស​សាលី ​ songs, one of the popular song call "អង្គរក្សបេះដូង" had made him became well-known for many cambodian music fans just after the release of his first album last year. Since then, he has also produced so many popular music CD albums and karaoke songs, and the last one is in SD CD volume 72.

1-ព្រមទទួលអូនដោយម្រាម10 (មាស​ សាលី)

2-បើកផ្លូវអោយអូន (មាស សាលី)

3-រែកពនឈឺចាប់ (ផាន់ ម៉ូនីកា)

4-បូជាសេ្នហ៍ពិត (សាលី-ម៉ូនីកា)

5-ស្រលាញ់អូនដើរលើផ្លូវខុស (មាស សាលី)

6-សម្បុកវងេ្វងចាប (ផាន់ ម៉ូនីកា)

7-សន្តិភាពសេ្នហា (សាលី-ម៉ូនីកា)

8-សួរខ្លួនឯង (មាស សាលី)

9-លុះស្លាប់រង់ចាំបង (ផាន់ ម៉ូនីកា)

10-ក្បត់បងព្រោះអំណាចអ្វី? (មាស សាលី)

ALERT !! - RHM Karaoke 120 & 121

Did you know what are the next new albums from RHM Production? em.. ok (I guess u didn't know about it :p)

I've just been around Hang Meas Website and found another two, NEW(not yet sold in the market) Karaoke Albums, they posted it on the site not long ago, but I expect it'll be realeased soon, just watch out for my review, I will keep you posted on this one...

------------ 1/4/07 Update:

I apologize for not making this video previews earlier after its release, the albums came out last week or so, and I found their video music are so cool, you can preview two of them here and I hope you enjoy it so much. :)

RHM DVD or VCD of these albums are available in the market and the Quality are far better than this, you can also have your own voice sang with karaoke music, I'd suggest to get one if you like it.


I was surprised when their first album released several months ago, It's in SPARK Vol.1 and this album also considered as the popular one among the others. The COCONUT Band grouped by five skillful musicians, and they are: សំបច(Guitarist) សុគន្ធា(Drummer)​ បឺទី(Keyboardist) សុវណ្ណឌីន(Bassist) ពិសិដ្ឋ(Guitarist & Vocalist).

What made me so interested is that they can play very nice Rock songs, the music is cool also. And yes, of course! If you listen to CoCoNut's album, you will find several interesting songs in it, for me, I think the songs like
-ហេតុផលមួយ- -សេហ្ន៍គឺវាយ៉ាងនេះ- -មិនសាកមិនដឹង- -តំណែងសេ្នហ៍-​ -សេ្នហ៍តំបូង- are worth to listen many times, why? because . . . (ស្តាប់ទៅពិរោះបាទ!)

ok, I think you'd better check it out yourself, below are coconut's music videos, the first one call
សេហ្ន៍គឺវាយ៉ាងនេះ(This is Love) and the second song is ហេតុផលមួយ(One Reason)...

-Music Downloads
មិនសាកមិនដឹង-try then you know Download(Left Click! - If that doesn't work then: Right click, "Save Target As")
សេ្នហ៍តំបូង-first love Download(Left Click! - If that doesn't work then: Right click, "Save Target As")

Listen To Audio CD SSB Vol.30 Now!

  • track 01.

  • track 02.

  • track 03.

  • track 04.

  • track 05.

  • track 06.

  • track 07.

  • track 08.

  • track 09.

  • track 10.

KhmerMusic Alert's Web Links

Khmer Links:

Cambodia web directory

The History of Khmer Empire (3D)

យើងទាំងតែបានអានសៀវភៅ​ ឬបានស្តាប់វិទ្យុអំពីប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តខែ្មរ។​ ប៉ុនែ្តម្តងនេះ ខ្ញុំមានការចាប់អារម្មណ៍យ៉ាងខ្លាំង​ ព្រោះអីខ្ញុំបានឃើញនូវភាពយន្ត(3D Animation) ដ៏ខ្លីមួយរឿង​ ដែលនិទានពីរឿងរ៉ាវប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តដំបូងនៃអាណាចក្រខែ្មរ​ រហូតដល់សម័យអង្គរ។ ភាពយន្តនេះគឺខ្ញុំទិញបាននៅតូបលក់ឌីសមួយកនែ្លង តែតាមពិត វាត្រូវបានគេដាក់បពាំ្ចងអោយទស្សនានៅក្នុងព្រឹត្តការណ៍ (អង្គរផ្ជូងយ៉ូ) ខេត្តសៀមរាប។
ចំពោះបងប្អូនយើងដែលបានចូលរួមក្នុងព្រឹត្តការណ៍នោះ បា្រកដជាបានទស្សនារឿងនេះ ប៉ុនែ្តអ្នកដែលមិនបាន(ដូចជារូបខ្ញុំជាដើម) ពិតជាមិនដឹងទេ បើមិនបានទៅសៀមរាបនៅពេលនោះ។ ខ្ញុំគិតថា យើងម្នាក់ៗគួរតែដឹងពីប្រវត្តសាស្រ្តដើមរបស់ខ្លួន​ ទោះបីមិនបានច្រើន អោយតែបានត្រួសៗក៏ល្អម្យ៉ាងដែរ​។​ ហើយទោះបីជាភាពយន្តនេះខ្លី តែមើលទៅគេសងេ្ខបបានល្អ ងាយចាំ និងគួរអោយចង់ទស្សនាផងដែរ។​

អាហ្អា...​ ប្រហែលជាចង់ដឹងថាវាយ៉ាងម្តិចហើយមែនទេ? :)
សំណាងល្្អដែរ ដែលខ្ញុំដឹងពីរបៀបដាក់បពំា្ចងវីដេអូលើ blog​ នេះ!

Click play button to play video

Do you like 'old song' ? if ' yes' then this album may suit to you!

CD Audio KH volume.177 contains 10 songs, but as I've just checked it out, 6 out of 10 are old music. If I'm not wrong they just made some changes to the Lyrics and re-sing it. However I think it's worth listening, and you still find several nice songs from this cd, such as track number one, a song from khmer movie that currently play on CTN television...

click here to listen!
(live listening not available)

hi, so you like playing snooooker?!

What a wonderful music! another ten new songs just released from Hang Meas Production. This album contains all Preap Sovath's song, which is a Must-Have CD if you're a fan of Real Rock, slow or "srok srea" style music.

The music brings you into the world of Cambodia farmer's life style, revealing a pure love from a man to his lover...

it's cool, just look at the cover on the left, I wish some day I could have a simple life like this :p ... enjoy it!