New Music Album: Classic Vol.1

1-មហារីកបេះដូង​ (សុគន្ធ ថេរ៉ាយុ)
2-សេ្នហ៍ឯកា (សុគន្ធ ថេរ៉ាយុ)
3-ចិត្តអប្រិយ (មង្គល ទីណា)
4-បេះដូងក្រៅខ្លួន (សុគន្ធ ថេរ៉ាយុ)
5-ផ្ការីកក្នុងបេះដូង (សុគន្ធ ថេរ៉ាយុ)
6-បញ្ឈប់សេ្នហ៍ព្រោះអូនសេ្នហ៍គេ (មង្គល ទីណា)
7-ឈឺចាប់ប៉ុណ្ណាក៏ទ្រាំ (សុគន្ធ ថេរ៉ាយុ)
*(និពន្ធទំនុកច្រៀង-ហ៊ួរ សុផល)


Anonymous said...

Can you tell me how we can do to download this album please (the direct link)? [because the songs are very beautiful]

Anonymous said...

I didn't put a direct link to the songs, you will be able to download these songs with my free software that I will release it soon, just a bit patient my friend ;-)

Anonymous said...

Ok tanks, so I must wait for your software ;)
You don't know an online shop where I can buy this cd (because i'm not cambodgian) ?
Thanks for your answer.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, ZhanZ can i correct you? Cambodian not Cambodgian:) or Khmer actually

Diana said...

Hello, Can you tell me how we can do to download this album please (the direct link)? [because the songs are very beautiful]